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  • Google helped boost climate change denial. Here’s how (and why)

Google helped boost climate change denial. Here’s how (and why)

Your sip of climate updates with a side of memes.

Happy Monday! In less than 5 minutes you’ll get our take on 2 climate stories, a summary of interesting news and linked articles, and a climate meme. Let’s dive right in 👇:

Matcha's Gulp

Cut down on fossil fuels? First, we’ve got to deal with the lobbyists

In a letter to the United Nations, more than 450 climate groups have called for an end to the influence of ‘Big Polluters’ on the annual COP climate talks. Over 630 fossil fuel lobbyists attended last year’s conference – and they weren’t just there for the buffet. Instead, they helped to “weaken and undermine the global response to climate change” by watering down policy proposals.

Let’s face it: a lobbyist-free COP could still descend into bickering and inaction. But surely it’s worth a try?

MISSING: Google’s anti-climate denial policy

Controversial ‘news’ website The Daily Wire paid Google a hefty sum to promote articles pushing climate disinformation. The outlet likely spent millions of dollars advertising on search terms such as the real truth about wind turbines and is global warming a scam. This is all despite Google’s policy banning the sale of adverts promoting climate change denial. But as climate watchers should know, ‘policy’ and ‘action’ are two very different things…

News Sip

Today's Climate Meme