Is this the most shameless greenwash yet?

Your sip of climate updates with a side of memes.

In less than 5 minutes you’ll get our take on 2 climate stories (with memes of course), a summary of interesting news and linked articles, and our weekly curated list of climate focused jobs. Let’s dive right in 👇:

Matcha's Gulp

Solar power: Truly out of this world

Researchers are exploring the possibility of installing solar panels in space. In contrast to Earth-based installations, this could give us a continuous supply of green energy – and it would also be really, really cool. Of course, there are still a few hurdles: crucially, scientists are still trying to work out how to beam the solar energy back down to Earth. But we’ll be keeping a close eye on a technology with the potential to light up the clean energy industry.

Another day, another corporate greenwash

In 2021, oil giant Shell spent $2.4 billion on its ‘Renewables and Energy Solutions’ division. But according to activist group Global Witness, only $288 million went on genuine renewables. Instead, the bulk of the funding went towards a very different kind of ‘energy solution’: gas.

Oh boy.

Even for a major fossil fuel company, this is some pretty brazen greenwashing. Global Witness has filed a complaint to the US securities regulator. But in the same week that Shell announced a record $40bn profit haul, it would likely take a huge fine to get the company to change its ways.

News Sip

Green Jobs

A few interesting roles in climate: